
Upcoming Events

July 8 – 22 – Applications open for Diversity Certificate Program. Learn more.

Featured Cultural Observance: DEI Councils  

The Atrium Health Diversity Councils provide oversight and guidance for the work of DEI at the local level. The Councils support our Diversity Agenda and help to integrate strategic imperatives from the Office of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion. Council members are not only advocates, critical thinkers and planners; they are also the initial face of diversity in an organization.

Other Important Observances

  • Disability Pride Month: Disability Pride initially started as a day of celebration in 1990, the year that the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) was signed into law. 

Diversity Council of the Year

The IT DEI Council is the Diversity Council of the Year. Some of the council’s accomplishments include:  

  • Three Book Clubs - Tomorrow's Bread by Anna Jean Mayhew, Demystifying Disability: What to Know, What to Say, and How to Be an Ally by Emily Ladau, and The Buddha and the Borderline by Kiera Van Gelder  
  • Spring Courageous Conversation collaboration with A4A SRG  
  • Fall Courageous Conversation about Women's Health Rights 
  • Second Leadership Partner Program (LEAPP) annual cohort 
  • Workgroup collaboration with A2WeExcell SRG to develop framework for mentorship program for IT to start in 2024 
  • Three newsletter publications - April, August, and November 
  • Annual Report published and mailed to all Southeast IT teammates 
  • Partnership with A4A and A2WeExcel SRGs 
  • Celebration for outgoing Council members who have served on the council for 3+ years  

Council Executive Sponsor of the Year  

Chan Roush 
Executive Sponsor, Central Division DEI Council 
VP, Facility Executive, AH CMC & AH Musculoskeletal Institute 

Featured Advocate Health Teammate Calendar:

Financial Well-being

Advocate Health provides resources to help improve your financial well-being. These tools are designed to meet teammates where they are in their financial well-being journey. One group who struggles with financial security is people with disabilities. One in nine adults have a disability and they are three times more likely to have difficulty paying their bills. Learn more on the Teammate Calendar.







Important Dates  

July 2 – Thurgood Marshall’s Birthday: The day Associate Justice of the Supreme Court and civil rights activist Thurgood Marshall was born

July 4 – Independence Day: Independence Day is annually celebrated on July 4 and is often known as the Fourth of July. It is the anniversary of the publication of the declaration of independence from Great Britain in 1776

July 6 – 14 – Dalai Lama’s Birthday: The day that Tibet’s leader in exile and Nobel Peace Prize recipient was born  

July 6 – Frida Kahlo’s Birthday: A well-known Mexican painter, Frida Kahlo, in the 20th century was born on this day  

July 7 – Al-Hijri: this day marks the start of the Muslim New Year — beginning the prior evening

July 18 – Nelson Mandela’s Birthday: Nelson Mandela served as South Africa’s first black president and was a strong civil rights leader   

July 24 – Pioneer Day: This Utah state holiday marks the arrival of LDS church founder Brigham Young to the Salt Lake area   

July 26 – Americans with Disabilities Act: This law protects people with disabilities from being discriminated against   


See other international observances

Last Updated on 07/08/2024